Text-only mode:
Hello friends. Good evening for you.
I Have some news to share, and they surely are important.
Well, first, thank you for liking my art so far! The overwhelming reception that you gave to me all this time is remarkable!
Well, second is: I have a problem, and the problem is actually the waitlist that I have. In this moment, I have exactly one year of a queue and I'm doing as fast as I can, but isn't fast enough. Even being awesome, it's not an easy task. At all.
So, starting today, May 1, 2019, the public commissions will be oficially closed. The only way to contact me for them will be being a patron of mine, and being a 2+ USD patron.
I'd like to say that this isn't an easy decision, but I feel myself into big pressure of doing that because I don't want to make my commissions wait for 2+ years to attend their asks in the future.
Nothing will change for you that accompain me on my networks, but I decided to let this point clear for all you if you ever consider me to bring to life your ideas.
In the future posts, instead of "Commissions: Krabby's E-mail" it will be there a "Public Commissions Closed - Only Patreon Commissions now".
I hope you understand my point and have a good night all you!
Take Care!